You will learn the Best Practices in maintenance work planning and scheduling though a realworld, highly interactive simulation of an outage (sometimes called a shutdown or turnaround). This simulation includes the roles of Maintenance Planners, Schedulers, and Managers and Operations and Materials Management personnel. You will join a team and compete against other teams as you apply the Best Practices. This game-like simulation involves work requests, work orders, scheduling dilemmas, personnel issues, parts problems, QA/QC problems, rework, and environmental and safety issues. The team that does the best job of planning and scheduling will have a more efficient critical path, order fewer emergency parts, minimize environmental and safety risks and incidents, complete the outage in less time, and win the game.
This course is recommended for maintenance planners, backups, and coordinators. It would also benefit maintenance supervisors or managers wishing to gain a comprehensive understanding of planning and scheduling best practices.
1 day (we suggest that you also take effective maintenance planning and scheduling.)